Prospectus (available only in Bulgarian)

Prospectus 28.04.2016 г. - part I Registration document
Prospectus 28.04.2016 г. - part II Securities Note
Prospectus 28.04.2016 г. - part III Resume

Documents Prospectus (available only in Bulgarian)

Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of the GMS 25.01.2016г.
Decision of the BoD about the Prospectus 10.06.2016
Articles of Association under condition of successful public offering
Approval of Prospectus РГ-05-1624-1
Articles of Association valid at the time of public offering

Results of the Public offering (Prospectus (available only in Bulgarian)

Announcement about successful Public Offering
Announcement about successful public offering 1 pdf
Presentation - Public Offering

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